environmental impact

Shocking Contrails Discovery: How Modern Jets Are Dangerously Heating Our Planet More Than Ever in the 21st Century

Airplanes creating contrails in a clear blue sky
Image courtesy of Shutterstock.

Contrails are not just a fascinating sky phenomenon; they are a significant player in global warming. Recent studies have revealed that modern fuel-efficient jets and private jets, which tend to fly at higher altitudes, produce contrails that last longer and have a more substantial warming effect than previously thought.

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BelugaXL: 6 Impressive Milestones of the Final Oversized Transporter Entering Service

A BelugaXL soaring in the skies, showcasing its impressive size and sleek design.
BelugaXL in flight, demonstrating its remarkable size and advanced engineering. Julien jeany-Wikipedia

The final BelugaXL oversized transport aircraft, the sixth in its series, has officially entered commercial service, marking a significant milestone for Airbus. This event comes six years after the completion of its construction, bringing the total number of operational BelugaXLs to six.

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